Category: lifestyle

Blabbing what I’ve read in January and February 2024

I planned to do this monthly, but again I was busy with everything else, so this is a recap of the first two months’ reading. Before we get to reading, book lovers, have you been following The Queen’s Reading Room on Instagram? Yes, we’re talking about that Queen, I don’t know why everybody’s so surprised that she has a book club. Anyway, I’ve been following it for years, and a few weeks ago they even started a podcast. They talk to authors about their favorite books and love of reading. I enjoyed every episode so far, even when I didn’t…

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Blabbing my 24 for 24 list

I never make New Year’s (or any kind of) resolutions, but I love to plan out the year ahead every year, and I have different methods to do that. I don’t really like New Year’s as an arbitrary date to start new things, because my principle is that when you really need to change something, why wait even for the next day? Start right now, no matter what day it is. But as a huge planner and goal-setter I like setting goals for different periods of time and the start of a new year is a great opportunity to review…

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Blabbing 23 of my favorite things from 2023

This is another post that was supposed to go out before the end of the year, but remained unpublished. Although you might be over 2023 things by now (I know I am), I decided not to discard this. I was having fun writing it during the holidays, and I hope you’ll have fun reading it. 1. Reading 45 books Well, reading in general, really. I set a goal on Goodreads every year, this year it was 35 books to read. It surprised me how well I did, because I wasn’t just busy studying the first half of the year, but…

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Blabbing life right now

There’s a lot going on in the world these days. I haven’t really got back to regular blogging and sharing stuff, but I feel these past few weeks (months?) deserve a summary. Well first of all, this year clearly deserves to be labeled as one of my worsts. It haven’t started out as one, just the opposite, I made a career decision last year that I felt really good about and I was working towards it. Then this year I got talked into changing course, and it felt like just a slight detour at the time, because I made a…

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Blabbing September and October 2022

I got really busy during this fall, so after skipping September, here’s a joint post of everything that’s happened in the last two months. September is always bittersweet, as I would never want summer to end, but I kind of enjoy the new things and events that autumn brings. And there were lots of things this time. I had every weekend (and even a few weekdays) packed with programmes both September and October. When I realized in mid-September that my next free weekend will be sometime in November I even cancelled the first on impact just to breath a little….

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Blabbing August 2022

Happy September! It’s incredible to think that the majority of the year has already passed, and what an eventful year this was so far! At the end of every summer I am always half sad, because summer weather is my favourite, but half happy, because after the summer slump, finally things get going in September. I really feel September is the other January! It’s like a fresh start, whether you go to school or not. BTW, I am actually going back to school this fall, so it’s double the excitement this time. I kept going with these one second videos,…

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Blabbing July 2022

I am typing this in the middle of August this time, my writing goals pretty much went down the drain this summer. I started July with a week off of work that I spent home at my parents’ house in the countryside. Besides being able to get away from the noise of city life, I planned this one to be able to read and learn a lot and to be able to rethink my goals. And that’s exactly what I did, I’ve made some big decisions about how to move on in my career as well as my life. I’ll…

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Blabbing June 2022

What an eventful month June was. And just like that, we’re halfway through the year and I am still struggling to find time to rest and work on my goals at the same time. I’ve spent two weekends in my hometown (closer to nature) in June. The first one was the very first weekend of June, a long weekend due to Pentecost Monday, which is a public holiday in Hungary. I also had Friday off, so I’ve had a a four day weekend. It coincided with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend, although I couldn’t have Thursday off as well, so…

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Blabbing May 2022

It’s been some time since May passed and since I’ve written anything here, but things have been crazy this past month. At the speed I am going, by the time I finish this post, June will be over already. Once again, I have a bunch of other unfinished posts waiting to be published, but I don’t want to leave May unreported. It’s amazing we are almost halfway through the year, isn’t it? May has been the busiest month in my year so far, mostly in terms of my job. I’ve spent most of it so sleep-deprived it was hard to…

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Blabbing April 2022

April was busy and slow at the same time, and I can’t believe we’re past one-third of the year already! I started April at home in Nagykálló preparing for the elections. The weather was terrible (it was snowing on the 3rd!) and I was having a cold anyway. Election day (April 3rd) also happened to be the only day this year, when I haven’t done any yoga and haven’t read a book, since I was on my feet from 3:45am to 2:00am the next morning, having other things to do. I’ve had four days off of work, from Thursday to…

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