Tag: domestic violence

2019′s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

25 November every year is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.  UN Women’s campaign runs every year from 25 November for 16 days where the official call is to #orangetheworld in order to create awareness about this serious issue. Here are a few facts from UN Women: Click here to learn more. Here you will find 16 ideas about what you can do. What will you do in the next 16 days? Link your (either your own or your favourite) posts about this issue in the comments.

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Sunday Smack

Happy Mother’s Day to my Mother, my Grandmas and of course all the moms out there! Welcome to my third Sunday Smack!  I have to say I really do enjoy doing this for the third time this week. It sort of keeps me organized in terms of my professional reading “duties” all week. I only hope you can benefit from these collections too! The only real critique I got so far, is that I tend to be too long for one post, so l’ll try to keep it brief this time. If you have any more comments, keep them coming!…

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