Tag: online learning
When asked about my hobbies I like to say learning for me is a hobby. I enjoy learning new stuff about my own profession and also about other topics just to widen my knowledge. When I took my teacher training courses at university (so I can teach social sciences), life long learning was a relatively new concept. Since I always loved to learn, I immediately embraced the idea, even though it was so foreign to what I knew and grew up with. Being a first generation university graduate, although there were lots of books and reading in our household (which…
Introduction to International Criminal Law by Case Western Reserve University on Coursera Introduction to International Criminal Law was the second MOOC I have taken. At the time, since it was my first course on Coursera, I was really impressed by the technical side. On Coursera, video lectures are continuously interrupted by review quiestions, checking on how well you understand the material. It really engages you to focus and not loose attention while watching. During the course we have learned about the basic terminology of international criminal law through recent cases. There were excerpts from recent trials on international tribunals in…
Justice by Harvard University on edX The first MOOC course I ever took was one foundation course for legal studies at Harvard. Justice by Professor Michael J. Sandel is basically a political and moral philosophy course. Besides the exciting moral arguments and the adaptation of centuries old moral philosophy cases to current issues, this course really teaches you to argue and defend your opinion. Like why do I think that making it possible to sell one’s kidney on the open market is a bad idea? I know I think it is, but I was having a hard time explaining why…
Confession: I love MOOCs. In fact, I love every kind of opportunity to learn something. And if it is available for free on the internet, anytime one has the time for it, just the better. Isn’t it? I hear the opinions that there is no real innovation behind the idea of MOOCs, since there are many online materials these days by universities available on the internet, you just have to look for them, learn them, same result. And if you want to go to a university, go for real. I am seriously all for lifelong learning and constant self improvement…