Tag: Queen Elizabeth

Sunday Smack

Busy, busy, busy week… While this was a very eventful week in terms of world affairs, in my corner of the world the historic floods along the river Danube take over all the news these days. Fortunately in Hungary it is not as bad as in some parts of Germany and the Czech Republic, but most of all it is due to the hard work of both professional people and volunteers who come to work day and night not just from the affected areas but all over the country. I wish all the strenght and persevarence to all those along…

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Sunday Smack

June is my favorite month of the year! With the longest daylight hours, the hot weather (which I hope will arrive in Hungary soon), all the great outdoor events – concerts and festivals, and so on. Reading outdoors until like 9 p.m. on long June nights used to be my favorite thing in the world! I have great expectations for this month and also some good ideas and plans for this blog that I hope you’ll like! Until then, here’s what I have today: On world affairs: Guéhenno: lifting European arms embargo on Syrian rebels ‘backfired’ Yes, the decision did…

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I loved this speech! 😀 I never knew Prince Charles was such a funny guy. 🙂 quatre1six: Your Majesty, Mummy… I’m sure you’d want me to thank, on your behalf, all the wonderful people who made tonight possible. All the performers, the artists, the musicians, the comedians, who made such jolly good jokes… Gary Barlow for helping to make the whole thing possible, and above all, those remarkable technicians, all 600 of them behind the scenes, without which nothing would happen. And if I may say so, Your Majesty, thank God the weather turned out fine, and the reason, of…

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The Diamond Jubilee Thames River Pageant.

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