Tag: Al-Shabaab

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everybody! In Hungary, we are on day 2 of a 4 day weekend, so things are great! Well, the weather could be better, but hey… Hope the weekends of all of you are going great as well! Here’s what I recommend to read… Boots on the Ground in Somalia: Acting “By, With, and Through” a Local Partner to Minimize Friction This was not the first US military action in Somalia, and most certainly not the last of its kind. Salami Slicing Human Rights Accountability: How the European Border and Coast Guard Agency may inherit Frontex’ genetic defect The…

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Sunday Smack

OK, this is the first time ever with no posts between two Sunday Smacks. That’s how busy I was this week. I had one night at home on Monday packing for London, then I left to London from work Tuesday evening, got back in the middle of the night on Wednesday, and spent the rest of the nights regenerating from the lack of sleep while trying to do my best at work during daytime. I had a wonderful time in London, as always, although it was a painfully short visit, more business than pleasure. Once again, thanks a lot to…

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