Tag: islamophobia

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everybody! I know, another week passed without any posts, it is not intentional, I am working on it. My work problem is about to be settled in the coming weeks (one way or another), and then I will hopefully be able to concentrate on creative stuff. At one point, I should probably write a post about it all, but it involves other people, so I will have to figure out some unharmful way to share it. Now let’s see what happened in the world this week. Syria: Starvation as a Tactic of War and A Syrian Response to Obama’s…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday Everybody! How are you all doing after the first working week of 2015? After the tragic events of this week, I should say I prefer the “eventlessness” (I know, I just made this word up) of the past few weeks, when there are not much to read and post about. I do hope the rest of this year will be filled with much more positive news. France’s Open Wound / La Plaie Béante de la France Great, great post about the two sides of this sad story. I myself shared the #jesuischarlie hashtag a few times since the tragic…

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