Tag: xenophobia

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! This was an eventful week world affairs-wise with a lot of great posts all around the blogosphere. These are just a few of them. Are Human Rights Hurting Migrants at Sea? This issue rapidly became ever urgent and pressing in the past few weeks, one that needs to be effectively dealt with in the European Union as a whole, but also on individual member state levels. The Economic Roots of Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa Another migration related issue from this week. Xenophobic violence sparks once again in one of the few economically stable African states. Yemen is…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday Everybody! How are you all doing after the first working week of 2015? After the tragic events of this week, I should say I prefer the “eventlessness” (I know, I just made this word up) of the past few weeks, when there are not much to read and post about. I do hope the rest of this year will be filled with much more positive news. France’s Open Wound / La Plaie Béante de la France Great, great post about the two sides of this sad story. I myself shared the #jesuischarlie hashtag a few times since the tragic…

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