Tag: Permanent Court of Arbitration

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, Everybody! This was an eventful week in a lot of ways. The reason I chose this photo to define it is in part because I am such an admirer of traditional protocol, of which there is no greater source today than royal events as such. The other reason is a personal one, during the summer I started to up my Spanish skills with an intensive training, and I was so proud of myself listening to and understanding most of King Felipe’s state banquet speech! And also the gowns and tiaras, but that’s like an obvious reason, not to…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! Again, I hope everybody is safe this weekend! After a very eventful and exciting few days in international law, let’s recap some of the biggest stories of the week. Failed coup: 250 dead, 1400 injured, 2,839 detained I did not come across a proper blog post about this so far, but still had to include it. What is happening in the world? Turkey used to be a peaceful holiday location not so long ago. China’s Legacy Maritime Claims If you are an international lawyer, or follow international law news sites and blogs you couldn’t have not heard about…

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