Tag: cyberwar

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, Everybody! This was an eventful week in a lot of ways. The reason I chose this photo to define it is in part because I am such an admirer of traditional protocol, of which there is no greater source today than royal events as such. The other reason is a personal one, during the summer I started to up my Spanish skills with an intensive training, and I was so proud of myself listening to and understanding most of King Felipe’s state banquet speech! And also the gowns and tiaras, but that’s like an obvious reason, not to…

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Sunday Smack

Happy July, everybody! And happy long weekend for those who are enjoying one now. Aren’t these cyberattacks more and more worrying? Sometimes it feels like some hackers could really do anything if they wanted to. I mean at the level that everything is computerized now, they could literally stop the world if that was what they wanted. World affairs are not on holiday yet, many things happened this past week. Great posts of great bloggers are a plenty on each topic, I provide you with only a handful to check out. The Supreme Court Just Blocked Vetted Refugees from Starting…

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