Tag: summer

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everybody! This is a pre-scheduled post from Friday, so I hope nothing has happened during the weekend that could make it inappropriate. While you are reading I am probably somewhere out there trying to catch up with this summer I almost missed altogether. We are having an incredibly boring down time in my workplace recently (usual August in the public sector I guess), I am constantly joking that if I did not have all  these writing and learning to do, I would probably have started looking for a new job already. But seriously. Summer is my favorite season,…

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Sunday Smack

Happy first day of June, dear readers! 🙂 When you are reading this, I am having a great time in London. I hope you are also having a wonderful weekend, wherever you are in the world. 🙂 Since this post was pre-scheduled on Thursday before I left, I only had time to read half of the usual stuff. So this is it for now, I’ll be back with a proper Sunday Smack next week. Thank you all for reading, have a great summer! 🙂  A Far-Right Resurgence in Europe. What Does It Mean? A great overview of European election results….

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday and Happy Summertime Everyone! I still can’t give away too much details, but this is probably one of the most exiting time periods in my professional life so far, so exciting that I am still not quite sure where it is going to land me. At the same time I also have to make difficult decisions in my personal life trying to end an old and really damaging cycle. Meanwhile, it seems like the real summer holiday season have finally come in world affairs, so this is going to be a real brief weekly round-up now: On world…

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LOL that is how I should decide! 🙂 outofprintclothing: An amazing summer reading flowchart by Teach.com. 

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