Tag: summer

Sunday Smack

Happy last summer weekend, everybody! I just got back from the beach, as there is a heatwave affecting Hungary again, but I hope you are all enjoying every bit of these last summer moments! As always this time of the year, I am half sad – as summer is my favorite season and I love the hot weather, half excited – as things are revving up  after the long weeks of fun and rest and vacation. September is the most exciting time of year, I was actually surprised to find this to be true even when it’s not about school…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everybody! I hope this post finds you all enjoying this one of the final summer weekends of this year. When you are reading this, I am spending my last day at the beautiful Croatian coasts (probably in the clear waters of the Adriatic sea, since this post is pre-scheduled), tomorrow we are heading back home (and to life, and to work). I don’t even try again to insert a photo here (Tumblr app needs some improvement!), check out my Instagram to get a picture (or more) of how and where I spent the days this post was created….

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Sunday Smack

Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a great weekend! Some serious heat wave affects Hungary again, and it’s going to stay for quite long this time. Seems like the last week before I head off for vacation is going to be quite hot (that I mostly love!), and it’s going to include loads of work too (something I also mostly love), but I’ll try not to be completely absent from here. Now, how about some Sunday reading? High Drama, UN-Style This could easily be one of the most important documents in the 70 years long history of the…

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Sunday Smack

Happy August, people! Can you believe it’s August already? That means we have only five months left to act on all our goals for 2015! I don’t know about you guys, but that means a lot of work for me to do!  Anyway, I hope the past two-third of this summer was spent well for you all, and you are as excited about its remains as I am! Let’s check out some of this week’s reads… Unpacking Obama’s Message to the African Union The first ever address that a sitting US president made at an African Union meeting held quite…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody! The heatwave has just left Hungary for everybody’s relief except for me who loves the hot weather and I am spending this weekend extended by Monday with much needed rest in the countryside. Finally I was able to catch up with my reading, even had time to read for pleasure (yay, Go Set a Watchman!). Out of my weekly reading, here’s some interesting stuff. A Comprehensive Timeline of the Iran Deal It’s all in the title. A very detailed timeline of what happens next. Another Bad Election in Burundi The long anticipated vote went down this week…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody! I am typing these words on an airplane flying back home after a wonderful weekend in Milan, Italy. I took this picture especially for you guys, but you can check out my pics of the weekend on Instagram as well. Italy is a beautiful country, don’t you think? Anyway, I hope you all had a great weekend too! UN Charter and Marriage Equality, A Serendipitous Day in San Francisco Great events took place this Friday in the United States. Most of the rest of the world has quite a lot of catching up to do… The Use…

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Sunday Smack

Happy first day of Summer everybody! Astrologically, that is, although weather-wise we are past a few hot summer days already. I hope all your summers are going wonderfully. I am still busy as ever, and it’s a shame especially because there are plenty of things to post about these days. I am trying hard not to miss marking anything important. These are just a few of this week’s top posts. World Refugee Day 2015: The Urgent Need For A Fresh Perspective On Global Migration Yesterday was World Refugee Day, but these days there are so much more to remind us…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! My time of the year has come, summer is my favorite season of all! I have lots of exciting plans for the next three months, besides just enjoying the hot weather and trying to make the most out of this summer. You all have a great summer, people! South Sudan Boots a Top UN Official Over His Tweets–And US Officials Tweet Their Response So it seems like the Sudanese government wants all the help, but no-one to talk about it. Do you ever wonder what diplomacy looked like before there was Twitter? Our First Official Peak into the…

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Monthly Matters

Doing: Being outdoors really. I work in an air conditioned office building where it is hard to even notice the changing of seasons. So usually I can’t wait to get out, breath some fresh air, and have some fun! I had some of it this August (not nearly enough, though), in the form of late night walks, short trip on the country-side while at home in Nagykálló, even a Danube cruise-trip. Learning: I have already written about Learning How To Learn, I took the 4-week course throughout August and it was so much fun. Highly recommended! Besides that, I was…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend everybody! And happy long weekend to all my readers from the US! I should say happy last weekend of summer, but it just doesn’t sound right… 🙂 As always, I have ambiguous feelings this time of the year. Summer being my favorite season, I want it to last forever (I know, I should move someplace warm…), and at the same time I am excited for new things and things freshening up with fall approaching. Speaking of new things, I will be introducing some new features of the blog this coming week, I can’t wait to share them with…

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