Tag: USA

G8 – A Brief History

The annual G8 summit is about to kick off on Monday, so I thought I would do a few educational/informational posts about the G8 in general and about this year’s meeting in particular. So this is the first one in a series, watch out for the rest in the coming days. The G8 summit is held annually to gather eight world leaders in order to discuss current economic and political issues affecting their countries and the world. G8 stands for the Group of 8, that is, the eight most prosperous countries of the world. Almost. To be more specific, G8=G7+1….

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UN hails ‘historic’ Obama drone vow

UN hails ‘historic’ Obama drone vow [Ben Emmerson, t]he lawyer leading a UN drone inquiry has praised [last night’s national security] speech by US President Barack Obama as a “significant step towards increased transparency”.

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Sunday Smack

Once again, Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms who are celebrating this weekend! I hope you had a great week and an even greater weekend! Here’s what I have in store for you today: On world affairs: UN chemical weapons chief: time is running out to get to the scene of the crime in Syria Amidst controversial claims whether chemical weapons usage occured and by which side in Syria, here is a deeper look at the personnel of the UN inspection team. Israel’s Three Gambles I left out this issue altogether last week, because all the articles I read then…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Mother’s Day to my Mother, my Grandmas and of course all the moms out there! Welcome to my third Sunday Smack!  I have to say I really do enjoy doing this for the third time this week. It sort of keeps me organized in terms of my professional reading “duties” all week. I only hope you can benefit from these collections too! The only real critique I got so far, is that I tend to be too long for one post, so l’ll try to keep it brief this time. If you have any more comments, keep them coming!…

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The what if’s of Iraq

The what if’s of Iraq It is entirely fitting that the invasion of Iraq began, 10 years ago Tuesday, based on faulty intelligence: Our actions throughout the war were marred by miscalculation and wishful thinking time and again.

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U.S. Disavows 2 Drone Strikes Over Pakistan

U.S. Disavows 2 Drone Strikes Over Pakistan American officials suspect one or possibly both of the strikes were carried out by the Pakistani military and falsely attributed to the C.I.A. to avoid criticism from the Pakistani public.

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instagram: The 57th Presidential Inauguration To explore photos taken from the event, search the #inauguration2013, #inaug2013, and #CNN hashtags. And if you’re there, make sure to tag your own photos! You can also browse inauguration photos shared from the National Mall, and West Lawn of the Capitol, and the White House. Today, an estimated 800,000 people will crowd onto the National Mall to witness the swearing-in of President Barack Obama. The inauguration is the 57th in the United States’ history and follows the November 6 reelection of Barack Obama, America’s 44th President. The list of the day’s events includes performances…

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Too bad, she would have been a great secretary of state… breakingnews: UN envoy Susan Rice drops out of running for Secretary of State BREAKING: U.N. envoy Susan Rice is dropping out of the running to be the next US secretary of state after months of criticism over her comments on the assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, NBC News reports. “If nominated, I am now convinced that the confirmation process would be lengthy, disruptive and costly – to you and to our most pressing national and international priorities,” Rice wrote in a letter to President Obama. More…

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Obama’s First Term

Obama’s First Term Great collection of articles on the foreign policy highlights of the past four years.

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