Tag: free speech

Sunday Smack

Happy Weekend Everybody! I had a busy weekend and I cannot believe it is almost over. How about you all? Take a moment to check out some of my favorite blog posts from this week. The Baga Massacre US Secretary of State John Kerry was relatively quick this time to call it a crime against humanity, but is the international community willing and able to act quickly enough to stop further violence? Misunderstanding Terrorism: Charlie Hebdo Didn’t Provoke the Killers Is it possible to agree with both sides of this debate? I said it before and I’ll say it again,…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Bastille Day to everybody reading from France! Just when I announced layoff season last week, things got going again. Which I don’t mind at all since I can’t take off time for a holiday this year anyway. Let’s see what I have found worthy of reading and sharing this week. On world affairs: Laura Dean’s Cairo Diary Please keep following Laura Dean’s Cairo Diary on Lawfare. Yes, I am recommending this for the second time, but it really is that good! How We Are Failing Syrian People Yet another piece on how the international community is failing to do…

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