Tag: massacre

Sunday Smack

Happy Weekend Everybody! I had a busy weekend and I cannot believe it is almost over. How about you all? Take a moment to check out some of my favorite blog posts from this week. The Baga Massacre US Secretary of State John Kerry was relatively quick this time to call it a crime against humanity, but is the international community willing and able to act quickly enough to stop further violence? Misunderstanding Terrorism: Charlie Hebdo Didn’t Provoke the Killers Is it possible to agree with both sides of this debate? I said it before and I’ll say it again,…

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Sunday Smack

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful sunshiny weekend! The past week was full of international commemorative days as you might have noticed, although I did not even mark all of them. Now, check out a bunch of other news of the week… Russia Builds Case for Military Intervention in Ukraine All signs seem to point this way. Question is: what the international coummunity’s response will be? We have witnessed how sanctions don’t touch Russia at all. Will A Massacre in South Sudan Actually Change Anything? Mark Leon Goldberg suggests Washington needs to pay attention to South…

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aljazeera: A Syrian woman in the town of Houla says she hid behind a door as gunmen shot dead children in the house. The government has blamed “terrorists” for the killings, which the opposition said were carried out by government forces and pro-Assad thugs.

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Security Council to hold emergency meeting over Syrian massacre

The UN says at least 32 children under 10 were among the 92 people killed Friday in Houla.

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