micdotcom: Here’s what the air strikes in Syria actually look like For more than a month, Kurdish militia and Islamic State fighters have battled on the streets of Kobani, a small town straddling the Syria-Turkey border that has become a focal point of the West’s military campaign against IS. While American officials admit Kobani may fall, an estimated 135 U.S. airstrikes have pounded Kobani so far, weakening the militants’ control. Often, foreign conflicts become abstract calculations, conveyed across the world as headlines, statistics and statements from government officials. These vivid photos from photojournalists capture the true face of America’s new…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, people! I like to think that I am now close to getting over the longest illness ever experienced in my life. The worst thing, well, besides all the aches and weakness, the worst thing is that procrastinating a lot of things for weeks now, I am literally like two weeks behind myself. I don’t even know where to start catching up. Enjoy this week’s posts while I figure out! A Grounds-Eye View of the Hong Kong Protests The post ends on an optimistic note anticipating Friday’s meeting with government officials, which unfortunately has been canceled by the government….

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Sunday Smack

Hey everyone! I hope your weekends are going much better than mine. I am still very much under that cold, in fact, no matter what I try, it just gets worse. As a result, my motivation level is below an all time average, all I want to do is sleep all day. I have quite a few promised and unfinished posts here too, so all I can tell you now is once I get myself together, I’ll post everything. In the meantime, here’s a seemingly poor collection of last week’s bes An Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong? The One Country…

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From schoolbooks to Syria: How four British youths turned to jihad

From schoolbooks to Syria: How four British youths turned to jihad Hundreds of young British men are thought to have joined the conflict in Iraq and Syria. CNN’s Karl Penhaul finds out why a group from a southern English town went to war and hears of the tragic consequences.

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Security Council high-level summit tackles growing threat of foreign terrorist fighters

Security Council high-level summit tackles growing threat of foreign terrorist fighters Responding to an unprecedented flow of foreign terrorist fighters and the growth of facilitation networks fuelling conflicts around the world, on Wednesday the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution to resolutely address this growing threat to international peace and security. The summit was chaired by US President Obama with all member states’ heads of state or government participating, which in itself signals the importance of the topic. Read the full text of Resolution 2178 (2014) here.

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday Everybody! It feels like the last summery-ish weekend here in Hungary, so I am trying to take the best of it. How about you all? This week I read so much great posts that I could seriously feature all of them here. I don’t remember when was the last time when it was so hard to choose but a few. And, UN week a.k.a. the general debate of the 69th session of the UN General Assembly is approaching! So, expect some more excitement in the days to come! 4 Things You Need to Know About the International Coalition to…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday Everybody! I was down with a terrible cold most of this week, which made me delay the launch of one new feature to the blog. But, better late than never, right? I’ll work on it next week. Hope you can take time to check out this week’s post while doing your Sunday things. 🙂 The Legality of ISIS Air Strikes Under International Law While John Kerry continues his campaign to collect supporters for the cause, this is a great post about the alternatives of making bombing Syria look like it was legal.  The NATO Summit’s Most Important Outcome…

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Recipes From the Islamic State’s Laptop of Doom

Recipes From the Islamic State’s Laptop of Doom “The black Dell laptop found in an Islamic State safe house inside Syria not only contains instructions forhow to weaponize the bubonic plague, it also includes thousands of files that provide a window into how would-be jihadists become radicalized, and how they learn to carry out their deadly craft.” “There’s also evidence that Muhammed has a sweet tooth: The laptop contains recipes for baking a cake, making banana mousse, and for the preparation of caramel.He even kept some screen shots of a music playlist he listened to in January 2010, which included the…

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Sunday Smack

Hey, everybody! Other than the event-of-the-week NATO summit, the Ukrainian truce agreement was the other major news these past days. You will find that neither was covered by my favorite bloggers yet (well, bloggers need days off too…). I am planning to do a post about the NATO summit myself that I didn’t get around to edit yet, so I certainly get that. And just a quick service announcement: I should have announced it in a separate post, but I forgot (well after a near heart attack when I almost deleted the whole blog by accident… yeah, don’t ask…). So,…

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We are an open, tolerant and free nation. But we cannot stand by and allow our openness to be confused with a tolerance of extremism. British Prime Minister David Cameron today addressing the House of Commons

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