Tag: war

Sunday Smack

Happy August, everybody! I can’t help repeating myself, but how can it be August already? It means 2/3 of this summer went by almost unnoticed by me. I need to speed up on doing all my favorite summer things before it’s really over. By the way, may I now call your attention to an interesting quotation from Hillary Clinton’s Hard Choices? On one of the first pages she cites advices she received from former US Secretaries of State when she got appointed. One of those is from Warren Christopher: “Don’t plan vacations in August because something always seems to happen…

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Sunday Smack

How is it going for everybody? Crazy working hours continued this week for me, even had to bring stuff home for the weekend, and I am in such a need of a holiday right now, I can’t even tell. I’m dreaming of doing absolutely nothing for a day. Or even half a day would be fine. Just one more week of work until then. Hope you’ll like what I found especially interesting this week. Forced Migration as a Weapon of War in Iraq and Beyond The numbers are disturbing as to how many people are forced to leave their homes…

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reuters: Infographic: Syria’s casualties after two years of civil war 

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NATOSource: Assad declares Syria in a ‘state of war’

NATOSource: Assad declares Syria in a ‘state of war’ natosource: From Oliver Holmes, Reuters: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad declared on Tuesday that his country was at war and ordered his new government to spare no effort to achieve victory, as the worst fighting of the 16-month conflict reached the outskirts of the capital… .

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Stench of death in Heglig, 1 200 dead

Stench of death in Heglig, 1 200 dead More than 1 000 South Sudanese troops died during the battle for Sudan’s main oilfield of Heglig, the Sudanese armed forces commander said on Monday, as a stench of death filled the air.

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