Tag: Africa

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! As you might noticed, I was a little stuck with the blog last week. To be honest, I do want to make some changes for some time now. The problem is, I do know what I want to see here, how I want it to be, I am just not quite sure how to get there. Please bare with me while I figure it out, I promise to keep this thing up with good content all the while. One thing never changes though, and that’s my enthusiasm towards world…

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How the false rumour of Rwandan President Kagame’s death spread

How the false rumour of Rwandan President Kagame’s death spread “For several hours on Friday morning, a false rumour that the Rwandan President Paul Kagame had died spread like wildfire in the city of Goma, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo – prompting scenes of celebration. It appears to have been triggered by a fake post on Facebook.”

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody! As I put the finishing touches to this post, I am watching the sad pictures on CNN of Nelson Mandela being laid to rest. This of course marks the end of the 10-day-mourning that really defined world news in the past few days. I selected a few posts from other topics too, though. On world affairs: A Pivotal Week for the Central African Republic France is taking the lead role again in an African conflict zone with two casualties so far. Back in the USSR What is it about the European Union that makes thousands of Ukrainians bare…

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Sunday Smack

I know it’s a cliché, but time really does fly! While our scary horror Halloween party is still yet to happen due to scheduling issues, Pinterest, as well as malls and supermarkets are already flooded with Christmas stuff. And for me it somehow feels like summer just ended. How about you all? Meanwhile, this was a really busy week in world affairs with a lot of great reads on my favorite blogs. On world affairs: 3 Reasons Why this Iran Breakthrough is a Very. Big. Deal We don’t know how big of a deal exactly it is yet, as talks…

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Sunday Smack

June is my favorite month of the year! With the longest daylight hours, the hot weather (which I hope will arrive in Hungary soon), all the great outdoor events – concerts and festivals, and so on. Reading outdoors until like 9 p.m. on long June nights used to be my favorite thing in the world! I have great expectations for this month and also some good ideas and plans for this blog that I hope you’ll like! Until then, here’s what I have today: On world affairs: Guéhenno: lifting European arms embargo on Syrian rebels ‘backfired’ Yes, the decision did…

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Sunday Smack

A busy week behind us again, unfortunately with more bad news than good. Even the weather took a worrying turn in many parts of the world. Starting with the hurricane in Oklahoma to all the extreme weather issues across Western Europe these days. Can we blame it on climate change or not? Of course I’ll leave this discussion to those who are experts of the topic while I’ll remain on more familiar grounds. On world affairs: Will We Witness the End of Peacekeeping in the Golan Heights? Recent exchanges of fire between Syria and Israel question the future of a not properly armed…

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Sunday Smack

I’ve been thinking about doing something like this for a long time and now I am happy to introduce the first in what I plan to be a series. Sunday Smacks are weekly round-ups of my favorite reads, most noteworthy happenings and everything I find worhty to mention here week by week. I haven’t used rss feeders before. I just decided recently to start using Google Reader to be able to catch up with all the blogs I was reading I was struggling to find the time to follow. But that was only days before Google Reader’s termination was announced (as timing…

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