Tag: Hungary
Happy Holidays Everybody! And thank you so much for taking the time to read even on this last Sunday before Christmas! A lot of things happened in the world this week, partly sad, partly exciting (just like my life right now). Here’s what my favorite bloggers blogged about. The Sony Hack: Will the United States Take Countermeasures Against North Korea? And even more so, what kind of measures will they be? International law provides a series of possibilities. The ICC’s Rough December I have posted about these before too, but the ICC still seems to be having a hard time…
McCain Comment Was an Attack on Hungary’s Sovereignty, Says Premier Viktor Orban said that his nation’s sovereignty had come under attack when U.S. Senator John McCain labeled him a “neo-fascist dictator”— in fresh a sign of deteriorating relations between Washington and Budapest. I am planning a series of posts here about Hungarian and European law and politics for the world to understand what is going on this side of the pond. Not that I or most Hungarians always get these things ourselves. The Hungarian prime minister is of course not a “neo-fascist dictator”. But then the last couple of years’…
Happy Sunday, people! Here is what I have for you today: a great international law analysis, some news from the US and Europe, and even a song! I hope you’ll keep reading! Security Council Resolution 2178 (2014): The “Foreign Terrorist Fighter” as an International Legal Person, Part I and Part II Great analysis of SC Resolution 2178 and its legal effect on actual individuals, the ones the resolution addresses as “foreign terrorist fighters”. As Senate Confirms More Career Diplomats, Fate of Obama’s Political Nominees Remains Uncertain Hungary is without a US Ambassador for over a year now. I have posted…
Viktor Orban Steers Hungary Toward Russia 25 Years After Fall of the Berlin Wall “Now, as the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall is commemorated Sunday, Hungary is a member of NATO and the European Union and Mr. Orban is in his third term as prime minister. But what was once a journey that might have embodied the triumph of democratic capitalism has evolved into a much more complex tale of a country and a leader who in the time since have come to question Western values, foment nationalism and look more openly at Russia as a model.” Unfortunately the world…
The Hungarian Revolution of 1956: Photos From the Streets of Budapest | LIFE | TIME.com Recalling the 1956 Hungarian uprising against the Soviet Union through photographs by the great Michael Rougier. It lasted less than three weeks, from Oct. 23 until Nov. 10, but the Hungarian Revolution that convulsed Budapest and the rest of Hungary in late 1956 sent shock waves through eastern and central Europe that reverberated for decades. More than a few historians, in fact, cite the popular revolt as the first rip in the Cold War’s Iron Curtain. Read more: The Hungarian Revolution of 1956: Photos From the Streets of Budapest |…
The US Cancels Visas for Hungarians Involved in Corruption The State Department refused entry to the U.S. to several Hungarians because it said they had been involved in corruption, once more highlighting tensions between the U.S. administration and the feisty government of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
Prompted by U.S. Comments, Hungary Insists It Respects Democracy Hungary rejected on Friday suggestions that it’s weakening democratic values and limiting civil society freedoms after a top U.S. diplomat made comments interpreted as criticism.
Happy weekend eveybody! I hope you all had a great week and an even better weekend! Unfortunately I am still struggling with this terrible cold, I have spent almost all of September sick, and it only seems getting worse… Anybody has any suggestions to cure pneumonia-like coughing and shortness of breath? I think I’ve tried everything, really, but who knows… Anyway, this past week was packed in terms of world affairs with quite a few new developments. I will cover UNGA-related items separately, so here now I collected other stories from this week. Strikes in Syria: The International Law Framework…
Happy Sunday Everybody! It feels like the last summery-ish weekend here in Hungary, so I am trying to take the best of it. How about you all? This week I read so much great posts that I could seriously feature all of them here. I don’t remember when was the last time when it was so hard to choose but a few. And, UN week a.k.a. the general debate of the 69th session of the UN General Assembly is approaching! So, expect some more excitement in the days to come! 4 Things You Need to Know About the International Coalition to…
Happy Sunday Everybody! I was down with a terrible cold most of this week, which made me delay the launch of one new feature to the blog. But, better late than never, right? I’ll work on it next week. Hope you can take time to check out this week’s post while doing your Sunday things. 🙂 The Legality of ISIS Air Strikes Under International Law While John Kerry continues his campaign to collect supporters for the cause, this is a great post about the alternatives of making bombing Syria look like it was legal. The NATO Summit’s Most Important Outcome…