Tag: Hungary
Migrants Cross Austria Border From Hungary Thousands of migrants who have been bottled up in Hungary, demanding passage to the West, will be allowed into Austria and Germany, the Austrian chancellor said late Friday. Early Saturday, the first buses carrying them arrived at the Hungary-Austria border. Hungary is bound to apply the EU rules of registering migrants crossing the Schengen border, as long as they are not registered, they have to be considered illegals, which makes passing through thoroughly difficult. Hungarian actions in the past few days were irrational at best, it seemed like the government was keen on making…
Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a great weekend! Some serious heat wave affects Hungary again, and it’s going to stay for quite long this time. Seems like the last week before I head off for vacation is going to be quite hot (that I mostly love!), and it’s going to include loads of work too (something I also mostly love), but I’ll try not to be completely absent from here. Now, how about some Sunday reading? High Drama, UN-Style This could easily be one of the most important documents in the 70 years long history of the…
Happy Sunday and happy long weekend to most of us! How great, that the weekend doesn’t end today! What do you think about the ESC2015 results? Seriously I have nothing against the Russian contestant, she seems nice, but I am glad that “building bridges” can continue next year without barriers! Here’s some reading for you all… Europe is Totally Ignoring the Root Causes of Migration Across the Mediterranean Europe seems to be wanting to solve its own problem and continue to be ignorant about all others. 4 Things You Need to Know to Understand Burundi Now Since the writing of this…
Eurovision 2015: the Guardian’s data-driven prediction Here, Eurovision 2015 explained by The Guardian. I for one, did not know that the Armenian song, which by the way is predicted to win, is about the 1915 genocide… “Genealogy’s controversial “Face the Shadow” references the mass murder of 1.5m Armenians by the Ottoman Empire in 1915. It was originally called “Don’t Deny” – Turkey still contests that it was not a genocide, and this title was deemed too political by Eurovision organisers.” There is one thing that no-one can explain though, how on earth did Australia become part of Europe? I (unlike…
Happy Sunday, everybody! Yesterday was the Day of Poetry in Hungary and on that occasion another one of my old posts went viral. It is the second time in a short period that this happens. Thank you to everybody for sharing and liking my posts! ❤ Hope you are having a beautiful Sunday and now ready to take a few minutes to read my favorite posts of the week. One Doctor’s Account of Yemen Under Siege Yemen quickly became a humanitarian disaster in just a few weeks time. This recount shows how serious the situation is. What Does the Word…
Happy International Women’s Day Everybody! I have to admit I don’t like the way this day is celebrated where I come from, in Hungary. Here “Women’s Day” preserved its old socialist holiday feature when men present women with flowers or chocolate. Now, it’s not that I don’t like flowers and chocolate, but I would much rather be treated equally and fairly every single day of the year than being celebrated on this one for something I am not even responsible for achieving (being a woman, that is). Via The Economist You can see Hungary is not even close to the…
It’s been a long time since the last time when I could not manage to post anything between two Sunday Smacks, sorry about that. Amazingly enough, although I have even failed to mark yesterday’s International Mother Language Day, this post of mine from two years ago got very popular yesterday. Thanks to everybody for still keeping it in circulation! Now let’s see a couple of interesting posts from not so far back. The Budapest Memorandum and Beyond: Have the Western Parties Breached a Legal Obligation? The Ukrainian crisis looks even more troublesome when international treaty interpretation comes into play. The…
UNICEF and Hungary announce agreement in principle to establish new UNICEF Global Services Centre in Budapest NEW YORK/BUDAPEST, 10 February 2015 – The Government of Hungary and UNICEF announced today that they have agreed in principle to establish UNICEF’s first-ever Global Shared Services Centre in Budapest. The new centre will conduct a broad range of UNICEF’s financial and human resources operations worldwide, enabling the children’s organization to realize greater efficiencies and cost savings.
Happy Weekend Everybody! How about a little Sunday reading? Croatia v. Serbia: Genocide and the Dolus Specialis Question A long awaited judgement of the International Court of Justice in consistence with its (and those of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia) previous decisions. The Aristrikes against Islamic State in Iraq and the Alleged Prohibition on Military Assistance to Governments in Civil Wars This great and detailed post is solely about the airstrikes in Iraq, but this same question of military assistance to governments in civil wars might soon be current regarding Ukraine as well. Is Jordan Attacking ISIS…
Angela Merkel visits Hungary in bid to break EU nation’s warm ties with Russia – Telegraph German chancellor in Budapest to press Viktor Orbán into united front against Russia ahead of visit from Vladimir Putin. International headlines go as such. International media happens to know for a fact that the German chancellor traveled to Budapest to press the importance of democratic values and her disagreement with the Orbán Government’s current policies. Interestingly enough, Hungarian state media knows nothing of that sort. According to its news programme, the visit was a huge diplomatic success, and all about economic and political cooperation. Now…