Tag: politics

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! Considering all the sad events that have taken place around the world just this past week, let’s all actually take time to be grateful if we are fortunate enough to live in circumstances where wars, displacement, bombings, mass shootings and the likes are unimaginable. A huge proportion of the world’s populace would do anything to be in our shoes, so let’s appreciate life accordingly! While you’re at it, take some time to read too! Brexit and International Law I am not sure when these legal uncertainties will stop to be interesting, but I don’t suppose it is going…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! Hoping everybody’s summer is going well, here’s your Sunday reading. Brexit: Is everything going to change in law, so that very little would change in fact? The British are trying to collect themselves after the appalling results of the referendum, but there is still not much we know for sure. This is one good collection of guesses. The UN is electing new members of the Security Council today. This is a big deal This indeed happened this week at the UN General Assembly with some unusual results. One Year after Sousse, It’s the Economy – Not Security –…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everybody! After getting over the first big shock of the news of the week, let’s take a look at how bloggers blogged about it… “Brexit” Hangover: The Morning After a “Leave” Vote Explained This one’s been written before we knew the results, taking the possible consequences into account, thus minus  the shock and disbelief included in others. Big Implications at the UN for Brexit This is one more item to add to a list of uncertainties. I think contemplating the UK leaving the UN too is completely unnecessary though, since the whole point of this referendum wasn’t anything…

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So, what now, Brexiters?

I wasn’t quite sure how the address this issue, other then letting my disappointment, sadness and outrage go through. I let it dry for a day, but I am afraid I still cannot write objectively about it, so beware, this is going to be a highly biased post. On Friday morning everyone seemed to act as though this result was unimaginable, right until the very moment it was final and unchangable, while obviously when such a question is asked, it can go both ways. Even the leave voters seemed to be surprised by what they have done. How about the…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday and happy long weekend for those who are having a long weekend due to Memorial Day tomorrow! Here is your weekly reading… Greece is Emptying It’s Largest Refugee Camp. The Timing Could Not Be Worse This is a great post not just about Greece emptying the camp at Idomeni, but about the actions behind politicians’ words. All on occasion of the World Humanitarian Summit. The WHO just started counting attacks against health workers. There is a trend. The fact that there is a reason to count in the first place is bad enough. The fact that there is…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody! Seems like the weather finally got the memo that it’s almost summer already (at least in Hungary). I hope you are having a great weekend too. Here’s some reading to add to it… The World Humanitarian Summit: A Preview It was about time for a summit like this. As I often like to emphasize, I am a firm believer that the majority of the world’s problems could be solved with the financial resources we do have. All it would take is proper coordination and transparency of the utilization of these resources. I hope that the summit can…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody! How about last night’s ESC results? I did not like either of these songs in particular, but the announcement of the results was something.  When it came down to Russia versus Ukraine, Ukraine must have taken the win, even though I am pretty sure the results were manipulated, in Russia for sure. There was also a collective sigh of relief heard over the winner remaining in Europe after all, although nobody really understood how Australia got in the picture in the first place. Then again, the Eurovision Song Contest is still very much like geopolitics, only the…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! After a week of accomplishments and some entertainment during the weekend, I am having a giant headache today that barely lets me function at all. So I am going to keep this short this time, hope you will like this week’s posts. A “Hybrid” Tribunal for Daesh? At the moment the creation of such a court is highly unlikely, nevertheless this is a great hypothetical. Israel Imperiled: An Overview of Threats to the Jewish State Regardless of Israel, this is a great geopolitical overview of the Middle East currently. A Summit Underway in DC is the Future of…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! And happy Mother’s Day for all the mothers (mine especially! ♥), as we are celebrating it on the first Sunday of May on this side of the pond. Speaking of which, happy May too! That’s a whole lot of happy occasions! 🙂 And these are for your reading pleasure today: What the Failure of the Geneva Talks Means Forcing Assad to step down might be an uneasy task to say the least, but finding a worthy and capable successor proves even more difficult. One Europe, from the Arctic to Lampedusa Why I have only recently come across Federica…

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Sunday Smack

An Historic Day at the UN 165 member states signed the Paris Agreement on Friday, the first day it was open for signing, which is indeed a new high in the history of multilateral agreements. The EU-Turkey Statement: A Treaty That Violates Democracy (Part 1 of 2) and (Part 2 of 2) We knew that this agreement is wrong on so many levels. Here is another great publication about it. What Does it Mean to Sponsor Terrorism? I think the list of states that directly or indirectly “sponsor” terrorism is too long, and this article only scratches the surface.

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