Tag: politics

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday Everybody! This week I have won access to all of Levo’s Ultimate Career Toolkit guides! I can’t wait to try and utilize them in my career planning which is going pretty hard these days. Anyways, expect a detailed review here at some point about the guides that seem really well prepared and useful. I know it’s not the point, but A and E come together for me, actually… 🙂 Are you on Levo? Let’s connect there, I am easy to find, just type in my name in the search bar, top right corner. And if you’re not on…

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Sunday Smack

Happy first Sunday of Advent! How can it be Advent already, when I feel like I have just returned from summer vacation, is beyond me. But it is. There is only one month left for our 2015 goals, and time to think about new ones for the new year! The year in world affairs is far from being over yet, though. One of the most important diplomatic events of 2015 kicks off tomorrow in Paris. UN member states will gather in Paris in the next two weeks for the UN conference on climate change. Long negotiations are to be expected,…

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Sunday Smack

Hey everybody, I hope you are all safe this weekend… A lot of things happened this week in terms of world affairs, from the Myanmar elections through the EU’s migration summit in Malta to the Syria peace talks in Vienna, but one sad event tops all of them. Let me just say I was worried from the very first moment that this will add fuel to the extreme opinions regarding the refugee issue, and indeed it did. In my country this is most certainly the case, and I think all over Europe they think they now have a seemingly legit…

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Iran joins talks in Vienna about the Syrian civil war

Iran joins talks in Vienna about the Syrian civil war IT COULD have been worse. That was more or less the read-out after talks on Syria in Vienna on October 30th between allies and foes of President Bashar al-Assad including America, Saudi Arabia, Russia and, for the first time, Iran. No one walked out, even though Iran backs Mr Assad and Saudi Arabia is one of the main backers of anti-Assad rebel groups, as well as Iran’s chief rival in the region. Click the title to read more.

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, all!  In Hungary we are past a nice long weekend that I have spent in the countryside. I am typing these words on a train back to Budapest, that was delayed 70 (!) minutes (Edit: departure time was delayed 70 minutes, and another 60 minutes was added during the train ride, so I got home more than two hours later than planned, I’m not one to complain, but I wish I could say this is not typical in Hungary…). That means I had more than enough time to catch up with my reading for this post. Hope you’ll…

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#UNGA70 General Debate digest Part II.

Again, better late, than never, right? This time, I am moving forward with the spearkers of the second half of the general debate. I was pleasantly surprised by the speech of President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic of Croatia, it almost consoled me for the absence of the British Prime Minister, she is such a good speaker. I wanted to follow her speech of course for the Croatia’s involvement in the European refugee situation. In solving this crisis, she emphasized that we will have to find balance between national, regional and global interests.  Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas elaborated on the Palestinian issue in…

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#UNGA70 General Debate digest Part I.

A promise, now overdue, but better late than never. I will post my review of the general debate in two parts and of miscellaneous events of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly so far in a third. This year I followed more speeches than in previous years, as the refugee crisis in Europe puts many countries in the spotlight that otherwise would not be of interest in terms of world affairs. The theme of the general debate of the 70th session was „The United Nations at 70 – a new commitment to action”, but besides the theme, the…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, everybody! It was a busy week in world affairs, the general debate of the 70th session of the UNGA ended yesterday, and I know I still owe you a review of UN week, it is in the making. Until it’s done, let’s do some Sunday reading. At the UN, Obama Takes the Long View on ISIS World leaders are still optimistic about winning the war against ISIS and extremism. Nigeria Has Deteriorated into a Major Humanitarian Crisis Another African crisis that doesn’t show no end. Xi On the Global Stage: The Costs of Leadership Indeed, all signs show…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, everybody! Summer is just about to return for a few days in Hungary, which I am really happy about – as if there were not enough overly warm days during the past months… Well, what can I say, I love summer! Meanwhile I am working on a few things to shake up my professional profile, online and real time – is there a difference anymore, anyway? While I will have to use my time management skills really hard, there will be some exciting new posts on this platform, too. Here’s this week’s round-up, for a start… Why Does…

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I do not want to create any illusions that the refugee crisis will be over any time soon. It will not. But pushing back boats from piers, setting fire to refugee camps, or turning a blind eye to poor and helpless people: that is not Europe. Europe is the baker in Kos who gives away his bread to hungry and weary souls. Europe is the students in Munich and in Passau who bring clothes for the new arrivals at the train station. Europe is the policeman in Austria who welcomes exhausted refugees upon crossing the border. This is the Europe…

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