MOOC away

Happy June, everybody! I have written about my passion for MOOCs and online learning before. Since then I dig deeper into the world of MOOCs, and later I would like to share my experiences here. Not so long ago I read somewhere that someone was describing learning as climbing high peaks or any other extreme sports: we do it, so we know we can do it. I found this description very well-said, as I myself consider learning a hobby at this point of my life. I am learning, because I have to make sure I am still able to! The…

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May 31 is World No Tobacco Day! Key facts Tobacco kills up to half of its users. Tobacco kills nearly 6 million people each year. More than five million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while more than 600 000 are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke. Unless urgent action is taken, the annual death toll could rise to more than eight million by 2030. Nearly 80% of the world’s one billion smokers live in low- and middle-income countries. Click here to learn more! This year’s theme of World No Tobacco Day is…

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Sunday Smack

Hello, Everybody! This four day week was pretty intense for me, by Friday it sure felt like any long and hard working week ever. There were also lots and lots of great posts! Seriously, this week I just wanted to put here almost everything I have read… Check out what I decided not to leave out… The Situation Concerning the Islamic State: Carte Blanche for the ICC if the Security Council Refers? Oh the beauties of law interpretation! And when international law scholars and practitioners interpret the law each in their own ways… Prospect of Peace Recedes in Mali A…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday and happy long weekend to most of us! How great, that the weekend doesn’t end today! What do you think about the ESC2015 results? Seriously I have nothing against the Russian contestant, she seems nice, but I am glad that “building bridges” can continue next year without barriers! Here’s some reading for you all… Europe is Totally Ignoring the Root Causes of Migration Across the Mediterranean  Europe seems to be wanting to solve its own problem and continue to be ignorant about all others. 4 Things You Need to Know to Understand Burundi Now Since the writing of this…

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Eurovision 2015: the Guardian’s data-driven prediction

Eurovision 2015: the Guardian’s data-driven prediction Here, Eurovision 2015 explained by The Guardian. I for one, did not know that the Armenian song, which by the way is predicted to win, is about the 1915 genocide… “Genealogy’s controversial “Face the Shadow” references the mass murder of 1.5m Armenians by the Ottoman Empire in 1915. It was originally called “Don’t Deny” – Turkey still contests that it was not a genocide, and this title was deemed too political by Eurovision organisers.” There is one thing that no-one can explain though, how on earth did Australia become part of Europe? I (unlike…

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Sunday Smack

I hope your weekends are going well. Mine is going too fast, as usual. Here’s some reading for you all… Protecting Europe or Irregular Migrants? The (Mis)use of Force in the Mediterranean It is clear that there is no win-win solution here. But even finding the one that causes the least harm will be difficult. Coup Attempt in Burundi–What’s Next? Another African nation that faces political violence and conflict ahead of an upcoming election. Hersh’s Account of the Bin Laden Raid is Journalistic Malpractice Agreed. And the quote about how fact checking is just nuisance is simply outrageous. It is…

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NATO Foreign Ministers discuss boosting cooperation with EU, other partners

NATO Foreign Ministers discuss boosting cooperation with EU, other partners Now, some serious news about the NATO summit this week… Allies must build closer cooperation with partners and organisations like the European Union, to better address the security challenges to the east and south, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Thursday (14 May 2015). “The challenges we all face demand a comprehensive response, so all of us need to work even closer together,” he said at the end of a two-day meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Antalya, Turkey. 

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NATO foreign ministers sing “We Are The World” at dinner after yesterday’s summit in Antalya, Turkey. I just cannot not post this. I was meaning to look for something to share about the summit itself, but this is so much more fun! 🙂 (Source:

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday Everybody! Here is some reading I prepared for you all… Little England: Why the British election matters to the United States The US, and the whole world for that matter was quite interested in this year’s parliamentary elections in the UK. And many seem to be troubled by the results. How (and How Not) to Investigate an Armed Conflict: Reflections on Three Recently Released Gaza Reports This post offers not just reflections and criticism, but also a quite useful guide for laymen on how to read these reports. Is the Tide Actually Turning Against Boko Haram? Some reports…

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What are UK political parties positions on the UN?

For today’s UK parliamentary elections the United Nations Association of UK asked the competing parties about their positions on the United Nations. Check out what their answers were. The Conservative Party’s position on the United NationsThis work is part of UNA-UK’s year-long campaign to promote informed debate on foreign policy, in particular, Britain’s role at the UN.  The UK Independence Party’s position on the United NationsThis work is part of UNA-UK’s year-long campaign to promote informed debate on foreign policy, in particular, Britain’s role at the UN.  The Liberal Democrat Party’s position on the United NationsThis work is part of…

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