Tag: UK

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody! How about last night’s ESC results? I did not like either of these songs in particular, but the announcement of the results was something.  When it came down to Russia versus Ukraine, Ukraine must have taken the win, even though I am pretty sure the results were manipulated, in Russia for sure. There was also a collective sigh of relief heard over the winner remaining in Europe after all, although nobody really understood how Australia got in the picture in the first place. Then again, the Eurovision Song Contest is still very much like geopolitics, only the…

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Sunday Smack

You might have noticed that despite my promises there was no update on the blog this week. I have several unfinished posts and a bunch of excuses that I will not bother you with. So, no promises this time. Let’s all just accept whatever might come. Like these readings now to finish off your Sundays. ISIS Was Born In An American Detention Facility (And It Wasn’t Gitmo) This is equal parts interesting and disturbing. Julian Assange and the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention This was pretty big news this week, with people speculating whether it has any implications for…

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Sunday Smack

Hey everybody! How was you first workweek of 2016? I hope it was better than mine. This is now officially the longest time with no posts at all on the blog, except for all the Sunday Smacks. Which obviously is a must, missing a week would feel like breaking a circle or something – this is now the 143th Sunday Smack and this is really saying something. Even though I had lots of plans for 2016 (with the blog and a lot else), I am just not there right now. Actually, if there ever was a time when I would…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday Everybody! This week I have won access to all of Levo’s Ultimate Career Toolkit guides! I can’t wait to try and utilize them in my career planning which is going pretty hard these days. Anyways, expect a detailed review here at some point about the guides that seem really well prepared and useful. I know it’s not the point, but A and E come together for me, actually… 🙂 Are you on Levo? Let’s connect there, I am easy to find, just type in my name in the search bar, top right corner. And if you’re not on…

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#UNGA70 General Debate digest Part I.

A promise, now overdue, but better late than never. I will post my review of the general debate in two parts and of miscellaneous events of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly so far in a third. This year I followed more speeches than in previous years, as the refugee crisis in Europe puts many countries in the spotlight that otherwise would not be of interest in terms of world affairs. The theme of the general debate of the 70th session was „The United Nations at 70 – a new commitment to action”, but besides the theme, the…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody, lots of world affairs to blab about these days… As things aren’t getting any better around Hungary, the Office of the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights issued statements on its Facebook page both in Hungarian and in English, emphasizing that seeking asylum cannot be viewed as a crime. Unfortunately, as of 15 September, in Hungary, it is. At courts along the southern borders asylum seekers are now being prosecuted for entering Hungary illegally. Hopeful though, there are plenty of Hungarian lawyers who are ready to protest against the new laws, calling themselves Lawyers for the rule…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, everybody! Summer is just about to return for a few days in Hungary, which I am really happy about – as if there were not enough overly warm days during the past months… Well, what can I say, I love summer! Meanwhile I am working on a few things to shake up my professional profile, online and real time – is there a difference anymore, anyway? While I will have to use my time management skills really hard, there will be some exciting new posts on this platform, too. Here’s this week’s round-up, for a start… Why Does…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, everybody! I am just after the final exam of The Changing Global Order on Coursera (more about it later in my MOOC series), let’s just say the last few days felt like exam season all over again, but in the end I have earned a certificate. (Also, note to self: summer is NOT for learning!) Today was all about catching up on my reading that got quite neglected besides learning, meaning I had to read several hundred posts in a day. Here’s the few of them that made it to my weekly round-up. Why the “Snap Back” Provision…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday Everybody! Here is some reading I prepared for you all… Little England: Why the British election matters to the United States The US, and the whole world for that matter was quite interested in this year’s parliamentary elections in the UK. And many seem to be troubled by the results. How (and How Not) to Investigate an Armed Conflict: Reflections on Three Recently Released Gaza Reports This post offers not just reflections and criticism, but also a quite useful guide for laymen on how to read these reports. Is the Tide Actually Turning Against Boko Haram? Some reports…

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What are UK political parties positions on the UN?

For today’s UK parliamentary elections the United Nations Association of UK asked the competing parties about their positions on the United Nations. Check out what their answers were. The Conservative Party’s position on the United NationsThis work is part of UNA-UK’s year-long campaign to promote informed debate on foreign policy, in particular, Britain’s role at the UN.  The UK Independence Party’s position on the United NationsThis work is part of UNA-UK’s year-long campaign to promote informed debate on foreign policy, in particular, Britain’s role at the UN.  The Liberal Democrat Party’s position on the United NationsThis work is part of…

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