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Again, I had a very busy week at work, and it seems it’s been a busy week in world affairs too, my Feedly wasn’t this overflooded in months. Next week will be eventful and exciting in terms of international relations, and it is going to be eventful and exciting for me too, especially the weekend. On Friday I am traveling to The Hague to participate in the Just Peace Festival events. I am overly excited, as this is going to be my first time in the city of jusitce. For the International Open Day on Sunday I am registered to…
Hello Everyone, I hope you’re having a great September weekend! We are having the most wonderful summer weather in Hungary, so as this post goes up, I am enjoying the late summer outdoors with a picnic. I am still busy with online learning and online challenges, while in my non-existent spare time I started a major decluttering (in my apartment and in my life) which leaves me incredibly refreshed and inspired. Highly recommended against burnout. Now let’s read. G20: They came, saw, shrugged, left and What Putin Didn’t Get In Hangzhou The G20 summit actually did not produce much news…
united-nations: Share this #CharityDay image to say “thank you” to everyone who does their part to make the world a better place!
Happy Sunday! Although school has already started on the 1st, it was still very much summer at work this past week. Only at work, though, I am not exactly back to school this time, but started a new online course on edX, plus four other short trainings and challenges, all happening these first two weeks of September. There might be a post about all of them soon. Now, about this week’s reading. How the UN is Shoring Up the Historic Peace Deal in Colombia Colombia gets a lot of support to make this peace a reality. Let’s hope it will…
Happy Sunday, everybody! This is the last Sunday Smack of this August and this summer, actually. In terms of the calendar, at least, I hope the weather stays warm for a while. I have spent this last weekend (made it a long weekend, actually) at home in Nagykálló with some well needed rest. September is going to be all work, no stops for me. As always, at this time of the year, I am half sad – for my favorite season to end, half excited – for things to get twirling again. And twirling, they are, this year. I have…
Happy Sunday Everybody! I hope you are all savouring your last weeks of summer this time around (unless you live somewhere where it is summer all year round in which case I envy you, or somewhere where it is not summer these months in which case let me know when it is summer already, then I want to go there). This week it was really down-season around the office for me, but at least coming back from vacation did not hurt that much. August 20 is also a National Day in Hungary, so when I am writing this (scheduled post…
On World Humanitarian Day we salute those who risk their lives on a daily basis in order to do good in the world. 19 August is the date on which a brutal terrorist attack on UN headquarters in Baghdad in 2003 killed 22 people, including UN envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello. World Humanitarian Day honours those, who have lost their lives in humanitarian service and those, who continue to bring assistance and relief to millions. Have you taken the humanitarian quiz yet? Click here to check it out! Click here to visit to UN’s website to learn more about World…
Happy Sunday and happy summer everybody! After half a week of vacation at lake Balaton, a wonderful Plácido Domingo concert in Budapest, half a week of staycation in Nagykálló including some old school meteor shower watching, I will be back to work tomorrow. Let’s see what else happened this week. Russia’s Lawful Land Grab This comes on the week when Ukraine claims Russia is arranging military moves on their borders again. Can a New Peacekeeping Force Stabilize South Sudan? UN peacekeeping has a bad reputation these days. In theory I do think it can do wonders, but in practice it…
Happy Sunday, everybody! As of today, I am off to vacation, so this is a pre-scheduled post. I had an unexpectedly busy week with lots of work to do and so little time remaining for other important things. Among the latter: taking the final exam of the International Law in Action: A Guide to the International Courts and Tribunals in The Hague course I participated in recently on Coursera. I managed to finish the course Saturday night. Midnight, to be exact, after a tiresome day of touristing around (with a real tourist) in Budapest, and, uhm, also a glass of wine….