Author: admin
Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a great weekend! Some serious heat wave affects Hungary again, and it’s going to stay for quite long this time. Seems like the last week before I head off for vacation is going to be quite hot (that I mostly love!), and it’s going to include loads of work too (something I also mostly love), but I’ll try not to be completely absent from here. Now, how about some Sunday reading? High Drama, UN-Style This could easily be one of the most important documents in the 70 years long history of the…
It’s been ready for a few weeks now, I just didn’t quite have the time to change it yet. I am planning a few more changes on the page, and most of all, I am planning to post more regularly. I also have a few interesting topic ideas and some new ways to engage more of you guys in the conversation. Look out for more new things in a few weeks time! For now, thanks for NickyGraphics for the great job they have done, it was a pleasure working together! And also thanks for everyone who helped me pick the…
Happy August, people! Can you believe it’s August already? That means we have only five months left to act on all our goals for 2015! I don’t know about you guys, but that means a lot of work for me to do! Anyway, I hope the past two-third of this summer was spent well for you all, and you are as excited about its remains as I am! Let’s check out some of this week’s reads… Unpacking Obama’s Message to the African Union The first ever address that a sitting US president made at an African Union meeting held quite…
Syria is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. At least a quarter-million Syrians have been killed. Almost half the country’s people – 12 million men, women and children – have been forced to flee their homes. In a massive cross-border exodus, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq are hosting an ever growing number of refugees, and increasing numbers of Syrians making desperate flights across the Mediterranean in so-called ‘death boats.’ UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addressing the Security Council meeting on the situation in Syria /29.07.2015./
Happy Sunday everybody! The heatwave has just left Hungary for everybody’s relief except for me who loves the hot weather and I am spending this weekend extended by Monday with much needed rest in the countryside. Finally I was able to catch up with my reading, even had time to read for pleasure (yay, Go Set a Watchman!). Out of my weekly reading, here’s some interesting stuff. A Comprehensive Timeline of the Iran Deal It’s all in the title. A very detailed timeline of what happens next. Another Bad Election in Burundi The long anticipated vote went down this week…
Happy weekend, everybody! I am just after the final exam of The Changing Global Order on Coursera (more about it later in my MOOC series), let’s just say the last few days felt like exam season all over again, but in the end I have earned a certificate. (Also, note to self: summer is NOT for learning!) Today was all about catching up on my reading that got quite neglected besides learning, meaning I had to read several hundred posts in a day. Here’s the few of them that made it to my weekly round-up. Why the “Snap Back” Provision…
kcmjournalist: Today would’ve been Madiba’s 97th birthday. Take action! Inspire change – click to learn about Nelson Mandela International Day!
whitehouse: Learn more about the historic deal we just reached to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
Happy Sunday, people! This was a very busy week in terms of world affairs, and it is not even over yet. I know, once again, the blog doesn’t really reflect this, and I am sorry about it, I have been kept really busy at work these days, I am continuously behind with my reading goals. I’ll try to work on this, I promise. Here’s three short ones, well in fact, two short ones and a longer one for you to get informed. 7 Humanity Affirming Charts from the UN’s Final MDG Progress Report These results are really hopeful signs of…
How is everybody doing this Sunday? I had a really awful week, the kind when you just wish it was over already. The weekend helped a little, I have to add, but tomorrow is work again… In the meantime, the heatwave that has affected all Europe this week has just reached Hungary with its record high maximums expected for the middle of next week. For the time being, I am still enjoying the hot weather, but you might ask me about it on Wednesday again. Now, let’s see some interesting posts from this week. Assembly: States ‘ignore’ nearly 11,000 European…