Tag: terrorism

Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, people! I hope everybody is safe, whether you are affected by severe weather or other dangerous conditions wherever you are. As you might have noticed, this blog might as well be dead if it wasn’t for these Sunday round-ups. But I am bringing it back, I promise, I have at least two posts scheduled for this next week, which according to my favorite boss is going to be “an important week”… So, stay tuned. And thank you for sticking with me through this long hiatus, I hope at least you enjoyed the weekly readings. Let’s see what we…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Holidays, everybody! How is it that I become too exhausted to enjoy the preparations every single year by this time?  Tons of work, studies, Christmas shopping, multiple Christmas fair + mulled wine sessions with friends, hosting family, cooking my annual Christmas cookies for colleagues, this is just how my last couple of days looked like, and again, lots of work to come for the next three days as well… Oh and did I mention the anxiety over some unarrived (I know, I just made this word up) Christmas presents? I am so much in need of some sleep time…

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Sunday Smack

Happy first Sunday of Advent! How can it be Advent already, when I feel like I have just returned from summer vacation, is beyond me. But it is. There is only one month left for our 2015 goals, and time to think about new ones for the new year! The year in world affairs is far from being over yet, though. One of the most important diplomatic events of 2015 kicks off tomorrow in Paris. UN member states will gather in Paris in the next two weeks for the UN conference on climate change. Long negotiations are to be expected,…

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Sunday Smack

I hope everyone’s having a peaceful weekend wherever you may be. We have an incredibly depressing weather this weekend in Budapest, the kind that just makes you want to stay in bed and binge watch your favorite shows all day. Too bad I don’t have time for that… How are you all doing? And how about some Sunday reading now? The Constructive Ambiguity of the Security Council’s ISIS Resolution A closer look at the Security Council resolution legitimizing the use of force against ISIL. Can the UN Help Broker a Syria Ceasefire? Well, if anyone can, it is the UN….

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Beirut, Also the Site of Deadly Attacks, Feels Forgotten To be sure, the attacks meant different things in Paris and Beirut. Paris saw it as a bolt from the blue, the worst attack in the city in decades, while to Beirut the bombing was the fulfillment of a never entirely absent fear that another outbreak of violence may come. Undoubtedly, people die in such attacks around the world on a daily basis. It has to happen in some Western metropolis to reach the attention of mainstream media. In people’s minds the Middle East is where such things happen, most of…

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Sunday Smack

Hey everybody, I hope you are all safe this weekend… A lot of things happened this week in terms of world affairs, from the Myanmar elections through the EU’s migration summit in Malta to the Syria peace talks in Vienna, but one sad event tops all of them. Let me just say I was worried from the very first moment that this will add fuel to the extreme opinions regarding the refugee issue, and indeed it did. In my country this is most certainly the case, and I think all over Europe they think they now have a seemingly legit…

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We are not at war with Islam or Muslims. We are at war with violent extremism. We are at war with people who use their religion for purposes of power and oppression. And, yes, we are at war with those people. But I don’t want us to be painting with too broad a brush. Hillary Clinton  /14.11.2015. The CBS Democratic debate/

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, everybody! It was a busy week in world affairs, the general debate of the 70th session of the UNGA ended yesterday, and I know I still owe you a review of UN week, it is in the making. Until it’s done, let’s do some Sunday reading. At the UN, Obama Takes the Long View on ISIS World leaders are still optimistic about winning the war against ISIS and extremism. Nigeria Has Deteriorated into a Major Humanitarian Crisis Another African crisis that doesn’t show no end. Xi On the Global Stage: The Costs of Leadership Indeed, all signs show…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody, lots of world affairs to blab about these days… As things aren’t getting any better around Hungary, the Office of the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights issued statements on its Facebook page both in Hungarian and in English, emphasizing that seeking asylum cannot be viewed as a crime. Unfortunately, as of 15 September, in Hungary, it is. At courts along the southern borders asylum seekers are now being prosecuted for entering Hungary illegally. Hopeful though, there are plenty of Hungarian lawyers who are ready to protest against the new laws, calling themselves Lawyers for the rule…

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Sunday Smack

/photo via/ Happy Easter for those who celebrate it, and happy ordinary spring weekend for everybody else! I hope you are having a great weekend either way! There were plenty of news concerning world affairs this week, it was hard to pick but a few posts again. Check them out. 5 Keys To Decoding the Nigerian Elections For Nigeria this is undoubtedly positive. But whether it is huge enough to impact the whole region, time will tell. Kenya Attack: Are schools the Newest Terrorist Targets? Sadly enough. Yet again, this proves how extremists consider education and knowledge their biggest enemy….

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