Tag: refugees

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! I have spent some wonderful days in the UK and had a fantastic time at the U2 concert at TheO2, London on Tuesday. You can check out some of my photos and videos on my Instagram. Then of course, it was back to work for the second half of the week. Well, how about this? And how about other world leaders following the example? Because it’s 2015. And for some more inspiration on gender equality you should watch Emma Watson’s interview with Malala at Into Film Festival, if you haven’t yet. Let’s see what else happened this week……

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#UNGA70 General Debate digest Part II.

Again, better late, than never, right? This time, I am moving forward with the spearkers of the second half of the general debate. I was pleasantly surprised by the speech of President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic of Croatia, it almost consoled me for the absence of the British Prime Minister, she is such a good speaker. I wanted to follow her speech of course for the Croatia’s involvement in the European refugee situation. In solving this crisis, she emphasized that we will have to find balance between national, regional and global interests.  Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas elaborated on the Palestinian issue in…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, people, I hope everybody is having a great weekend! It is unbelievably gloomy here in Hungary these days, I am so in need of a dose of sunshine now. Perhaps a doze of my favorite TV shows will do until then. This is going to happen tonight, and I can’t wait. I mean I literally have zero time to watch these things anymore, but this one is a must. Even without my idol, Madeleine Albright in it, but with her, even more so! Anyway, Part II. of my UNGA general debate recap is halfway done, I plan to…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, everybody! It was a busy week in world affairs, the general debate of the 70th session of the UNGA ended yesterday, and I know I still owe you a review of UN week, it is in the making. Until it’s done, let’s do some Sunday reading. At the UN, Obama Takes the Long View on ISIS World leaders are still optimistic about winning the war against ISIS and extremism. Nigeria Has Deteriorated into a Major Humanitarian Crisis Another African crisis that doesn’t show no end. Xi On the Global Stage: The Costs of Leadership Indeed, all signs show…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, everybody! Fall has undeniably arrived, according to the calendar and to the weather as well. The past days were incredibly gloomy in Hungary. These are very exciting times in world affairs, though, look! I will do my best to keep you updated on the events of UN week in the coming days, so stay tuned! Now, here is your round up for this week. 5 Big Stories that Will Drive the Agenda During UN Week Next week is UN Week! It has already started actually with the Sustainable Development summit this Friday, but the general debate starts tomorrow…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody, lots of world affairs to blab about these days… As things aren’t getting any better around Hungary, the Office of the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights issued statements on its Facebook page both in Hungarian and in English, emphasizing that seeking asylum cannot be viewed as a crime. Unfortunately, as of 15 September, in Hungary, it is. At courts along the southern borders asylum seekers are now being prosecuted for entering Hungary illegally. Hopeful though, there are plenty of Hungarian lawyers who are ready to protest against the new laws, calling themselves Lawyers for the rule…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, everybody! Summer is just about to return for a few days in Hungary, which I am really happy about – as if there were not enough overly warm days during the past months… Well, what can I say, I love summer! Meanwhile I am working on a few things to shake up my professional profile, online and real time – is there a difference anymore, anyway? While I will have to use my time management skills really hard, there will be some exciting new posts on this platform, too. Here’s this week’s round-up, for a start… Why Does…

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I do not want to create any illusions that the refugee crisis will be over any time soon. It will not. But pushing back boats from piers, setting fire to refugee camps, or turning a blind eye to poor and helpless people: that is not Europe. Europe is the baker in Kos who gives away his bread to hungry and weary souls. Europe is the students in Munich and in Passau who bring clothes for the new arrivals at the train station. Europe is the policeman in Austria who welcomes exhausted refugees upon crossing the border. This is the Europe…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend everybody, and happy labor day weekend to all my US readers, who – according to Google Analytics – make up the third largest crowd among my overall readership. BTW, I am still in the process of figuring out why the first place goes to Russia, but then, shoutout to my Russian readers too, anyway! I have never thought I would ever be writing these words, but seriously, I wish my country wouldn’t be on international news that much! Even the daily news roll of my favorite global affairs blog came out one day with the title “Seriously, Hungary?”. And…

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Introducing 5 sentences and a few more words on the refugee crisis in Hungary

I was actually planning this feature for quite some time now, I just wish I could launch it with some less difficult topic. The idea is that I take an article I read and write the first five sentences that come to mind about the issue it covers. Meaning I don’t just write about that particular article, but mainly my opinion and whatever else comes to mind. Now about this first topic, it was very hard to do just that. Because I struggled to stop at five sentences, and because just yesterday I got criticized for being silent about this…

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