Tag: international law

Sunday Smack

Hello Everybody! I hope you all have spent the longest Saturday of the decade well! I keep being busy with important deadlines approaching both in my work and my studies, that’s the reason this blog seems to be neglected these days. Here’s what I recommend from my weekly reading anyway: UN Chief Warns Military Strikes in Iraq May Backfire The Secretary General actually suggests that keeping things unresolved once again and arming one side against the other would probably even worsen things in the region. World Refugee Day Draws Attention to Shortcomings of International Law World Refugee Day was Friday…

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Sunday Smack

Hey there, everybody! I am back after a very eventful week and a half spent with friends, lots of laughter, London of course, and a few days of work even. Fortunately this one is a long weekend, so I can at least attempt to get some much needed sleep. It has also been a very eventful week world affairs-wise, I couldn’t even keep up with things here. I will try to reflect back on everything I have missed though, in the coming days. Now, I hope you’ll check out what I have read this past week. Starvation in Syria: Is…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend everybody! And happy long weekend for those in the US and UK! I hope everyone in the EU has voted already, you know how I feel about voting. 🙂 It’s going to be a busy week for me, with loads of things to get done before I am heading to London the next weekend. I am very excited already! 🙂 Interestingly, I have only picked international law stories for this Sunday. Hope you’ll find them as interesting as I did. Crimea after Cyprus v. Turkey: Just Satisfaction for Unlawful Annexation? I have mentioned the European Court of Human…

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Sunday Smack

Hope everybody had a great weekend! After an incredibly grey and stormy week in Hungary with a taste of Yvette, summer is expected to arrive next week. And I can’t wait. Here’s a few posts of what I read last week. Syrian Peace Envoy Finally Admits Defeat I tend to agree with SG Ban that it is not Brahimi’s failure. I’d like to think that the problem is not unsolvable after all, even though two high profile diplomats have given up trying already. Then again, I don’t blame neither of them. EU’s Newest Sanction Targets: Crimean Firms, Not Russian Ones…

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Sunday Smack

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful sunshiny weekend! The past week was full of international commemorative days as you might have noticed, although I did not even mark all of them. Now, check out a bunch of other news of the week… Russia Builds Case for Military Intervention in Ukraine All signs seem to point this way. Question is: what the international coummunity’s response will be? We have witnessed how sanctions don’t touch Russia at all. Will A Massacre in South Sudan Actually Change Anything? Mark Leon Goldberg suggests Washington needs to pay attention to South…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everybody! Another weekend has already passed, that I did not spend how I meant to: with rest. Perhaps next week. A lot of exciting things going on in the world these days that worth paying attention to, though. Here’s what I’ve read about them up until Friday, since I have yet to catch up with the latest myself. What can I say, it happens. 🙂 Kerry Accuses Moscow of ‘Unmistakable’ Covert Ops in Eastern Ukraine And Russia’s pursuit of domination in Ukraine goes forward already. One would think Putin at least could wait a little to divert attention….

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Sunday Smack

I used to know a professor at law school, who was very proud that he has never been to vote at any elections. Ever. Not once. He talked about politics a lot, teaching administration law, he had stuck quite a few political comments to each and every topic. He kept repeating his conviction that not voting entitles him to criticize all political sides as he wishes. I always thought just the opposite! If you don’t care to share your opinion on the one single occasion it actually counts, then shut the f#@$ up all other times. As a sociologist, I…

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Sunday Smack

Welcome to the 50th Sunday Smack! That’s right, the 50th! 🙂 How great that this one is the first Sunday Smack I get to write on my new laptop! Yes, that of course means I have no excuse anymore not to act on all my great ideas regarding this blog (and everything else).  Minus two weeks, I have been doing this for a whole year. It is unbelievable, really, and I have to say I’ve really enjoyed every bit of it, it helps me keep my professional reading in order. I can only hope it’s also useful to at least…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday Everybody! You may forgive me for citing various pieces on the very same topic again, but there are such exciting debates going on in international law circles these days that it’s hard to choose but a few. On Crimean Secession, Fairness and Self-Determination Great one about the numerous aspects and previous precedents to keep in mind when judging this case. The Precedential Value of the Kosovo Non-Precedent Precedent for Crimea I can see non-lawyers rolling their eyes right now, but this is actually well-explained in the post, worth checking out. Crimea’s Declaration of Independence This is another one…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Spring Everybody! In Hungary it really feels like spring already! Unfortunately I don’t have the chance to greet it in a garden, not for the moment that is, but only until next weekend I hope. 🙂 I love sunshine and colours and sunshiny colours and everything that has to do with sunshine and colours, so this is my time! And hot summer days, but you probably know that already. 🙂 There are more serious issues going on in the world, of course, let’s not forget aobut those. Apart from something really disturbing going on in a neigbouring country, the…

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