Tag: international law

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday Everybody! Happy Chinese New Year, happy Valentines Day, happy long weekend in the US, and happy whatever you are celebrating around this time. I hope you have some time for today’s posts. Thoughts on the North Korean Nuclear Test and Satellite Launch This post elaborates in detail on my own opinion that what happens in the Korean Peninsula time and again seems to be on repeat. The beginning of the end of border-free Schengen? This is an ever more probable threat as time goes by since the beginning of the migration crisis in Europe. Today is the Day…

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Sunday Smack

You might have noticed that despite my promises there was no update on the blog this week. I have several unfinished posts and a bunch of excuses that I will not bother you with. So, no promises this time. Let’s all just accept whatever might come. Like these readings now to finish off your Sundays. ISIS Was Born In An American Detention Facility (And It Wasn’t Gitmo) This is equal parts interesting and disturbing. Julian Assange and the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention This was pretty big news this week, with people speculating whether it has any implications for…

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Sunday Smack

Happy last day of January, everybody! For me it feels like New Year all over again or instead of the one I kind of missed a month ago. One of my monthly goals was to reach a professional decision by the end of the month and that I just did on the last workday of it, although kind of reluctantly. Whether it was a good decision, time will tell, I sure will have to live with it for now. On that same note, hopefully this was the last dreadful week for me, at least I refuse to suck it up…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everybody! I know, another week passed without any posts, it is not intentional, I am working on it. My work problem is about to be settled in the coming weeks (one way or another), and then I will hopefully be able to concentrate on creative stuff. At one point, I should probably write a post about it all, but it involves other people, so I will have to figure out some unharmful way to share it. Now let’s see what happened in the world this week. Syria: Starvation as a Tactic of War and A Syrian Response to Obama’s…

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Sunday Smack

Hey everybody! How was you first workweek of 2016? I hope it was better than mine. This is now officially the longest time with no posts at all on the blog, except for all the Sunday Smacks. Which obviously is a must, missing a week would feel like breaking a circle or something – this is now the 143th Sunday Smack and this is really saying something. Even though I had lots of plans for 2016 (with the blog and a lot else), I am just not there right now. Actually, if there ever was a time when I would…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Holidays, everybody! How is it that I become too exhausted to enjoy the preparations every single year by this time?  Tons of work, studies, Christmas shopping, multiple Christmas fair + mulled wine sessions with friends, hosting family, cooking my annual Christmas cookies for colleagues, this is just how my last couple of days looked like, and again, lots of work to come for the next three days as well… Oh and did I mention the anxiety over some unarrived (I know, I just made this word up) Christmas presents? I am so much in need of some sleep time…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, all! The end of the year is quickly approaching, I honestly have no idea where did all those days and weeks go… I had a crazy week again, I fell behind with all the reading (note: this is a very last minute post!) and studies, and what is worse, I am literally nowhere with the Christmas preparations. I’ll have lots of catching up to do this coming week in more than one areas. BUT, we have a Climate Agreement, people!! This is surely the news of the week, see details below. Now, let’s all hope it can really…

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Sunday Smack

Happy first Sunday of Advent! How can it be Advent already, when I feel like I have just returned from summer vacation, is beyond me. But it is. There is only one month left for our 2015 goals, and time to think about new ones for the new year! The year in world affairs is far from being over yet, though. One of the most important diplomatic events of 2015 kicks off tomorrow in Paris. UN member states will gather in Paris in the next two weeks for the UN conference on climate change. Long negotiations are to be expected,…

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Sunday Smack

Hey everybody, I hope you are all safe this weekend… A lot of things happened this week in terms of world affairs, from the Myanmar elections through the EU’s migration summit in Malta to the Syria peace talks in Vienna, but one sad event tops all of them. Let me just say I was worried from the very first moment that this will add fuel to the extreme opinions regarding the refugee issue, and indeed it did. In my country this is most certainly the case, and I think all over Europe they think they now have a seemingly legit…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! I have spent some wonderful days in the UK and had a fantastic time at the U2 concert at TheO2, London on Tuesday. You can check out some of my photos and videos on my Instagram. Then of course, it was back to work for the second half of the week. Well, how about this? And how about other world leaders following the example? Because it’s 2015. And for some more inspiration on gender equality you should watch Emma Watson’s interview with Malala at Into Film Festival, if you haven’t yet. Let’s see what else happened this week……

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