Tag: world affairs

Sunday Smack

Happy first day of December and first day of Advent everybody! It doesn’t really feel very Christmassy or even pre-Christmassy for me yet, as it is a bright sunshiny day in Hungary. Some snow would help me get in the mood. A white, snowy Advent and Christmas would surely be nice, but right after the holidays, can it be hot summer again, please? Besides all the other excitements that December holds, I am starting at a new job tomorrow that I am really looking forward to. I wish every one of my readers such an eventful and joyous December that…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, dear readers! The weekend ends with some significant world news. The past week wasn’t quite eventful though, so there are only a couple of reads  I recommend today. On world affairs: Barack, Bibi and Iran It is a great article, but now that there is an agreement, I mainly left it in for the picture. It so perfectly describes the outcome of the negotiations as well, doesn’t it? Intervention in the Central African Republic This issue still doesn’t get enough attention in my opinion, although the threat of genocide after what Rwanda and Kosovo taught the international community…

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Sunday Smack

Another week went by and I cannot believe how close we are to the end of this year already. Once again I had to find that bad things happening to me somehow raise my creativity. And being fired from your job is indeed a bad thing. There are also a number of reasons why I should be grateful and happy about this, starting with the fact that working there was a bad decision for me in the first place, but being fired still sucks. Anyway, I have a lot of new plans and ideas and I am ahead of what needs…

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Sunday Smack

I know it’s a cliché, but time really does fly! While our scary horror Halloween party is still yet to happen due to scheduling issues, Pinterest, as well as malls and supermarkets are already flooded with Christmas stuff. And for me it somehow feels like summer just ended. How about you all? Meanwhile, this was a really busy week in world affairs with a lot of great reads on my favorite blogs. On world affairs: 3 Reasons Why this Iran Breakthrough is a Very. Big. Deal We don’t know how big of a deal exactly it is yet, as talks…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, everyone! This past one turned out to be only a two day working week for me. I was not so politely asked by my not so polite superior to take some days off while she’s going to be in the office, so we are not gonna have to meet. At one point in my forced holiday (that I have spent out of town) I was even grateful for her, feeling that I really needed these days off. Nevertheless, I spent some time thinking about my future in this job where I mostly have to spend 10+ hours per…

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Sunday Smack

Hope you all had a great week and an even better weekend! Here’s a few news stories to look back to: On world affairs: EU reaction to the NSA Affair Well, hacking world leaders’ cell phones is a serious issue. I would even double Lawfare’s Ingrid Wuerth calling it a diplomatic disaster. It is still unclear though how deep this will impact EU-US relations. UPR and Israel Israel has refused to atted its review session of the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review, being the first state ever to do so. The rescheduled review is about to take place…

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Sunday Smack

I cannot believe another week has already passed. Fortunately this next one is going to be a short one in Hungary with a public holiday on Wednesday. I could enjoy every week being like this: two days work, then one day rest, then two days work again. 🙂 OK, I am only saying this because I hate my job. And I am ever closer to finally do something about it. Until then, here’s where I can deal with things I am really interested in. Hope you’ll enjoy! On world affairs: An Unfree and Unfair Election in Azerbaijan If all these…

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Sunday Smack

How is everybody doing this weekend? Once again I wish the weekend would last a few days longer, so I could catch up with all the things I don’t get to do with my 10+ hours per day working schedule. I know I seem to be complaining all the time, but finally I am about to act on it too. In the meantime, check out the news that caught my attention this week. On world affairs: Nobel Peace Prize Fails to Pacify Interesting collection of social media responses to the news. I personally am among those who are disappointed that…

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Sunday Smack

OK, this is the first time ever with no posts between two Sunday Smacks. That’s how busy I was this week. I had one night at home on Monday packing for London, then I left to London from work Tuesday evening, got back in the middle of the night on Wednesday, and spent the rest of the nights regenerating from the lack of sleep while trying to do my best at work during daytime. I had a wonderful time in London, as always, although it was a painfully short visit, more business than pleasure. Once again, thanks a lot to…

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Sunday Smack

Undoubtedly, the world affairs event of the week is the launch of the 68th session of the UN General Assembly. I am planning a detailed post after the end of the General Debate, so now I only feature some great blog posts below, as usual. This next week is going to be very eventful for me as well. On Wednesday I am going to London for a really short profession related trip. I am looking forward to it. It brings a most welcome refreshment in my professional life right now as I am quite unhappy at my current job, mostly…

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