Sunday Smack

You might have noticed that despite my promises there was no update on the blog this week. I have several unfinished posts and a bunch of excuses that I will not bother you with. So, no promises this time. Let’s all just accept whatever might come. Like these readings now to finish off your Sundays. ISIS Was Born In An American Detention Facility (And It Wasn’t Gitmo) This is equal parts interesting and disturbing. Julian Assange and the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention This was pretty big news this week, with people speculating whether it has any implications for…

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Sunday Smack

Hey everybody! How was you first workweek of 2016? I hope it was better than mine. This is now officially the longest time with no posts at all on the blog, except for all the Sunday Smacks. Which obviously is a must, missing a week would feel like breaking a circle or something – this is now the 143th Sunday Smack and this is really saying something. Even though I had lots of plans for 2016 (with the blog and a lot else), I am just not there right now. Actually, if there ever was a time when I would…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, all! The end of the year is quickly approaching, I honestly have no idea where did all those days and weeks go… I had a crazy week again, I fell behind with all the reading (note: this is a very last minute post!) and studies, and what is worse, I am literally nowhere with the Christmas preparations. I’ll have lots of catching up to do this coming week in more than one areas. BUT, we have a Climate Agreement, people!! This is surely the news of the week, see details below. Now, let’s all hope it can really…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody!  This is a half pre-written post, as I am spending these days vacationing in Croatia. Here’s what it looks like at the moment. (If any of you happens to know how on earth does one add photo to a text post in Tumblr’s Android app, please let me know, because I have tried, but couldn’t figure it out…) https://instagram.com/p/6c4G9iyG2G/ Insert beach photo here, which I did not have the chance to take yet, for we are locked in by the rain, so this rainy view from our window will have to do for now, the Adriatic sea…

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Sunday Smack

Happy weekend, everybody! I am just after the final exam of The Changing Global Order on Coursera (more about it later in my MOOC series), let’s just say the last few days felt like exam season all over again, but in the end I have earned a certificate. (Also, note to self: summer is NOT for learning!) Today was all about catching up on my reading that got quite neglected besides learning, meaning I had to read several hundred posts in a day. Here’s the few of them that made it to my weekly round-up. Why the “Snap Back” Provision…

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Sunday Smack

How is everybody doing this Sunday? I had a really awful week, the kind when you just wish it was over already. The weekend helped a little, I have to add, but tomorrow is work again… In the meantime, the heatwave that has affected all Europe this week has just reached Hungary with its record high maximums expected for the middle of next week. For the time being, I am still enjoying the hot weather, but you might ask me about it on Wednesday again. Now, let’s see some interesting posts from this week. Assembly: States ‘ignore’ nearly 11,000 European…

Continue Reading Sunday Smack

Sunday Smack

Happy first day of Summer everybody! Astrologically, that is, although weather-wise we are past a few hot summer days already. I hope all your summers are going wonderfully. I am still busy as ever, and it’s a shame especially because there are plenty of things to post about these days. I am trying hard not to miss marking anything important. These are just a few of this week’s top posts. World Refugee Day 2015: The Urgent Need For A Fresh Perspective On Global Migration Yesterday was World Refugee Day, but these days there are so much more to remind us…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday everybody! Check out this week’s posts… U.S. Support for the Saudi Air Campaign in Yemen: The Legal Issues Legal issues are everywhere, aren’t they? Does whatever the US is doing in Yemen constitute as intervening, and if the US is indeed intervening, on what grounds? Top UN Officials Warn of Ebola’s Stubborn Persistence in West Africa  The worst of the outbreak might be over now, but making it stay that way and wiping the ebola virus out for good, requires continuous fight from health workers and affected countries as well. Failing to Face the Gender Challenge – note…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Holidays Everybody! And thank you so much for taking the time to read even on this last Sunday before Christmas! A lot of things happened in the world this week, partly sad, partly exciting (just like my life right now). Here’s what my favorite bloggers blogged about. The Sony Hack: Will the United States Take Countermeasures Against North Korea? And even more so, what kind of measures will they be? International law provides a series of possibilities. The ICC’s Rough December I have posted about these before too, but the ICC still seems to be having a hard time…

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Sunday Smack

Can you believe it’s already November? Well, it’s been a while since the last time when there was no post between two Sunday Smacks. That happened this week. I recently read a blog post where the author wrote she thought it was quite annoying when bloggers complain about neglecting blogging, while she actually was complaining about just that. I will not do that. I was a little busy this week, that’s all. What have you all been reading about this week? Hope you’ll check out these posts too. Mass Graves, Missing Students, and Mexico’s Long Road to Reform This is something…

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