Tag: Sunday Smack

Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, Everybody! This was an eventful week in a lot of ways. The reason I chose this photo to define it is in part because I am such an admirer of traditional protocol, of which there is no greater source today than royal events as such. The other reason is a personal one, during the summer I started to up my Spanish skills with an intensive training, and I was so proud of myself listening to and understanding most of King Felipe’s state banquet speech! And also the gowns and tiaras, but that’s like an obvious reason, not to…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! How about that Emmanuelle Macron moment at the family photo? Apparently they thought they could make him stand in the back row and they were wrong. I bet all the others were thinking “huh, who knew you could do that?”. The G20 had more memorable moments of course, as this BBC collection shows, poor Chancellor Merkel must have had a hard time handling all these difficult men (wouldn’t it be much simpler if women ruled the world?). LOL at her eye-rolling at Putin. I hope your summer is going well so far, here’s some reading for today. Can this Woman…

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Sunday Smack

Happy July, everybody! And happy long weekend for those who are enjoying one now. Aren’t these cyberattacks more and more worrying? Sometimes it feels like some hackers could really do anything if they wanted to. I mean at the level that everything is computerized now, they could literally stop the world if that was what they wanted. World affairs are not on holiday yet, many things happened this past week. Great posts of great bloggers are a plenty on each topic, I provide you with only a handful to check out. The Supreme Court Just Blocked Vetted Refugees from Starting…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! This week was incredibly heat-wave-y in most of Europe that may or may not be a result of climate change. I am fully aware that I wrote the same about extreme cold a few months before, these are just the times we’re living. I admit I like this weather, but many countries in Europe are just not used to this kind of heat, not to talk about the  health implications of extreme temperatures. I hope you are all safe. Let’s do a little Sunday reading. Is ISIS conceding defeat? And even if it would be, would this be…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, all! I just love this time of the year around the summer solstice, when the days are the longest. I could spend all night outside reading and taking advantage of even the very last and faintest rays of daylight. I wish I could take the summer and do just that. Read books, sleep and enjoy the sun. But then there are stuff to attend to… Amidst an all American political circus show, many seem to be competing on the who gets blocked by Trump sooner on Twitter race. If only it could really lead to “Trumplessness”, I swear…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday and Happy Summer! This week Britain managed to pull off yet another election where practically everybody lost an no-one knows what to come after, this seems to have become the new standard over there.  Also, political turmoil is mounting in the US, but the President still doesn’t seem to be worried. On this week’s episode of The West Wing Weekly (S03E09 Bartlet for America) there were a lot of talk about Congressional hearings and what they are all about. I happened to listen to it the morning after #ComeyDay, and again, I just love when entertainment really adds…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, Everybody! Starting with the good part, it is a long weekend in Hungary due to Pentecost Monday, and it also feels like summer around here already! I am doing my best to enjoy it… I started watching season 5 of House of Cards, but unfortunately I don’t really have time to binge it all in one weekend, I am barely halfway yet. Does anybody feel like this season is full of ‘this is/could be Trump’ moments? Most probably this show was always like this, it is political satire after all, we just weren’t aware before that Trump could…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday, people! And happy Memorial Day weekend to all to whom that applies! First of all, this week started in a very sad way. I was inevitably reminded of last year’s Mariah Carey concert that I attended at the same Manchester Arena. This is not about throwing blames and I don’t even know how it worked this time, but last year our packages weren’t inspected at all. Guards only took a quick peek, but in all honesty, I could have anything in the bottom or some side pocket of my shoulder bag, no-one cared to look. Even last year…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! The first thing I want to mention is actually from last week, but I only got around to listen to last week’s episode of The West Wing Weekly podcast on Sunday after posting Sunday Smack. That episode last week was about Season 3 Episode 5 of The West Wing titled War Crimes. You know how I just love when different territories of my passions meet? The subplot of this TWW episode that the title refers to was about the argument for and against the US participation in a war crimes tribunal. The argument was very relevant when it…

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Sunday Smack

Happy Sunday! Wow, what an eventful week!  I couldn’t agree more with the Monday cover of La Razón, thank you France for voting inclusion and democratic values! Vive la France! The most turmoil of course was in US politics this week, as is kind of usual these days. It’s also kind of usual for me to refer you to late show clips, because these guys are doing their jobs amazingly no matter how hard it is these days (*coughs* #fakenews). Nothing proves it better than the fact that they actually irritate the president. On a lighter note, U2′s #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 Tour…

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